
她在新歌《Your girl》歌词中写道:“你教我判断是非对错,不止是黑白之分,我永远是你的女儿,我会为你祈祷。” 还在2015年接受了UBC(英属哥伦比亚大学)的采访时告诉记者:母亲是她的英雄,她是一个勤奋的人,给了我能得到的最好生活,不管她为此付出多艰辛的努力。

腾讯娱乐讯 8月16日晚,张靓颖晒出自己与英国创作型女歌手洗茶妹Charli XCX的合影,并配文“She’s a cool and creative girl...Charli XCX”。粉丝留言:“洗茶妹!啊啊啊要合作吗?”“她...

because thinking about ... my God what this must be like in that situation that I really can't imagine. Going through that and having that amount of media coverage for something as difficult as that and for someone who is not used to that and someb...

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